Our Mission

Mission Statement

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), which is also referred to professionally as “emotionally unstable personality disorder,” strikes up to 5% of the population and frequently afflicts those diagnosed with other mental illnesses as well; however, it often goes either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and consequently it often goes untreated or, worse, mistreated.

NEABPD, Israel, founded by a group of family members and clinicians who have experience with the disorder, is committed to promoting awareness and understanding of BPD throughout the State of Israel, both among mental health professionals and within the general population. By increasing awareness and minimizing the stigma attached to BPD, in particular, and mental illness, in general, we hope to enable sufferers to obtain help in a timely and efficacious fashion, make it possible for their family members to advocate effectively for them, and enable the family members to receive the psychoeducation and support they so desperately need.

Support NEABPD Israel:

We are a registered charity in Israel: Amuta #580618445
הארגון הישראלי החינוכי למען טיפול בהפרעת אישיות גבולית (ע”ר)
We welcome your donations – click here to find out why you should support us!

NEABPD Israel chapter

Pictured above are the members of the NEABPD Israel chapter who attended the inaugural meeting (from left to right): Dr. Jennie Goldstein, MD, Dr. Tzachi Fried, PhD, Dr. Shmuel Harris, MD, Mr. Meshulam Gotlieb, Mrs. Lisa Gotlieb, Dr. Perry Hoffman, PhD, and Mrs. Lynn Courey.